up menus
Before you insert a popup menu from Dreamweaver you must have
an image to attach the behavior to. I created a simple button
in PhotoShop for the purpose.
In PhotoShop...
Open a new image. I made mine 178 px long and 60 px tall.
You can use any image you wish.
I used the rounded rectangle tool, set the radius at 15 px
and filled it with the "sun faded image" style. Then
I added the Filter > Render > 3D Transform. Finally, I
Added the text and saved it for the web as button.jpg.
I made a copy with the letters filtered with Filter > Stylize
> Emboss. Then I saved this image as button1.jpg.
In Dreamweaver...
Insert your image in your document in Dreamweaver.
Insert > Image
Open your behavoirs panel, if it isn't already open...
Window > behaviors
Click on the little plus sign in the behaviors window and select
"show popup menu".
Type in your page names and corresponding URLs and click on
the plus sign after entering each one. Click on the remaining
three tabs to make any adjustments that you may require:
Make duplicate pages for 11days.html, 13days.htm and 17days.htm
if you want this example to work.
Save your work.
Press F12 to view your menu in a browser.
Image Rollovers
It's easy to do a simple rollover in Dreamweaver...
Select your image.
Click on the plus sign in the behaviors window and then on
"Swap Image".
Choose the image you want to replace your image with in the
menu that pops up.
Click OK.
Save and view your work.
Note: It is easier to be sure that you are
selecting the correct graphic for your rollover if you name
it in the property inspector.
Clicking to a new URL
You might have noticed that in the property inspector the "Link"
now says:
You can't just type in a URL in the link box anymore, so what
do you do?
You add a behavior just like we have been doing.
Select you image. Click on the plus sign and select "Go
to URL."
Type in your URL and click OK. It's really that easy.
If your event handler is wrong in your behavior, click on the
even handler pulldown and change it to the right one (onClick).
Save and view your work.
Depending on what you have selected in your document, different
behavoirs will be accessible in the behavoirs window.
See the image above to see what other behaviors are availiable
whaen you have the image selected. Notice that some of the behaviors
like Check Browser and Check Plugin are really behavoirs that
are usually attached to the body and would be avaliable even
if you hadn't selected the image.
Other behaviors for images are:
- Control Shockwave or Flash
- Open Browser Window (opens a new popup window)
- Play sound
- Popup message (Alert Message)
- Preload Images
- Set Nav Bar Image
- Set Text (Status bar for images)
- Timeline
Depending on which type of object and which browser type you
have selected, different behaviors will be avaiiable.
Click on "Show Events For" and change the settings.
You will see that many of these behaviors are browser specific.
As a guideline, "4.0 and Later Browsers" would usually
be the best setting at this time in history the vast majority
of your visitors will most likely fit into this catagory.
Note: Other behaviors are avalaible for download
from Dreamweaver
Exchange at Macromedia.com. Check them out and see what
you might find.
a Nav Bar
Do you know the difference in a navigation menu and a site
Buttons are just buttons but a Navigation Menu integrates with
the other buttons to let the visitor know exactly where they
are in the site. In other words, the button of the page you
are visiting is lit up or in some way different than the other
buttons to indicate where you are. This can be a simple as reversing
your rollovers on each page that you are featuring or it may
be more complex where there are actually four different images
for each button. Don't worry though, Dreamweaver can handle
it all and in very short time.
This feature will save you time and make your site more professional.
This is definately worth knowing about.
Before we get started, we need to create a navigation bar (a
series of buttons). Since we have PhotoShop, that's where we
will start.
In PhotoShop...
Create a new document. I made mine 600 px long by 55 px tall.
Next, I used the Rectangle Marquee Tool (R) to create a rectangle
just slighty smaller than the image. You must leave approximately
5 px open around the edge of your rectangle.
Select > Modify > Smooth
Smooth your rectangle 15 px.
Your rectangle should now look like:
In the layers pallette, create four new layers and name them:
- up
- down
- selectup
- selectdown
Hide your background layer by clicking on the little eye to
the left of the name.
Select the up layer and pick two colors for your forground
and background colors.
I picked R:0, G:0, B:204 for the forground.
And R:153, G:204, B:255 for the background.
I used the gradient tool to create a linear gradient with these
two colors.
Just draw a line through the center of your selection. Holding
down the shift key will you drag will give you a horizontal
My up layer now looks like this:
Now hide the layer (by clicking on the little eye in the layer
Select the Down layer in the layers pallette.
Click on the reverse colors arrows in the tool bar to reverse
your foreground and background colors.
Click on the gradient tool again and draw another verticle
line across your layer. You should see a reverse gradient from
the first layer.
Hide that layer and click on the select up layer.
Reverse the colors again by clicking on the reverse arrows
in the tool bar.
Change the darker color to a lighter one. I chose R:102, G:102:,
Select the linear gradient tool again and draw another verticle
line across the center of your document in the select up layer.
My layer looks like:
Hide your layer and click on the selectdown layer.
Click on the reverse foreground and background colors again.
Draw another linear gradient the same way we did in the other
Hide the layer.
Click on View Rulers.
Pull out 5 guides from the left and position them at 100, 200,
300, 400, and 500.
Insert a new layer and call it lines.
Click on your forground color and make it darker.
Then hide all of your layers except the lines layer and click
on your pencil tool.
Draw a line at every guide.
Hide the guides to be use the lines are there.
Add a new layer for your text. Name it home.
Add Text and text layers for each of your buttons.
Use the slice tool to slice out each of your buttons.
Hide the down, selectup, and selectdown layers and save your
image as navup.
Then save it again for the web. Be sure that you put your images
in a folder. I called mine slice.
Go back to your psd file and hide the up layer and show the
down layer.
Change your text for each button to a different color. I changed
mine to yellow.
Save the file as navdown.psd
Save it again for the web.
In the layers pallette, hide the down layer and show the selectup
Save the file as navselectup.psd
Save it again for the web.
Hide the selectup layer and show the select down layer.
Change the text color for all of your buttons again. I changed
mine to white.
Save your file as navselectdown.psd
Then save it for the web.
We are done in photoshop and are ready to return to dreamweaver.
Open a new html document in Dreamweaver. Save it as NavBar.html
Insert > Interactive Images > Navigation Bar
Under Element name, type in "home"
Add your images. The home images should be:
- Up Image: Navup_o1.jpg
- Over Image: Navedown_01.jpg
- Down Imge: Navselectup_01.jpg
- Over While Down Image: Navselectdown_01.jpg
Add alternate text if you wish. I added "Return to Home
The add the URL you want the pahe to go to when clicked. I
just made up a page here called home.html
Click the plus sign when you are done and continue adding the
rest of the images, alternate text and urls untill all six of
you buttons are in place.
Click OK.
That's it. Save and view your work.
If you want to effect additional images on your pages. Click
on the behavior in the behaviors pallette and then click on
the advanced tab. Here you can add multiple image rollovers
elsewhere on your page.
View the completed file: Navbar.html
Save the page 5 more times as:
- home.html
- about.html
- products.html
- purchase.html
- press.html
- contact.html
Open each of the new pages and in the behaviors pallette, click
on set nave bar image. When the window opens up, select Show
"Down Image" Initially.
Do the same for each one of your pages.
Here is what it looks like: home.html