Slding into a new page with intetia is a popular way to exhibit
your content in Flash. This lesson shows you haw simple this
effective technique can be.
Step 1
- Get your background image ready
In PhotoShop...
Make an image in photoshop for your background for your flash
page. We are going to do three panels so we will need 3 images
(one for each panel).
I grabbed three pictures from the PhotoShop Samples folder.
If there are layer in the picture, you will probably need to
flatten them in order to copy them into your document.
Make an image in photoshop that is 1200 px wide by 250 px tall.
Resize the three images that you will use as your panel images
to 400 px wide.
Copy and paste each image into the 1200 px wide image spacing
them so they form a panel of three pictures in a row.
Save your image for the web.
Create a new document 400 px wide and 250 px tall.
Rename the layer to panel.
Import your graphic into this layer.
Use the info panel to center your image,
set the x at 400 and the y to 0.0
Be sure that the registration is set in the upper left
Select the image and press F8 to turn it into a movie clip.
Name your movie clip: panel
Insert > Convert to symbol
Name the instance "panel"
in the property inspector.
Also in the property inspector,
set the x to 0.0 and the y to 0.00
Create a new layer above your panel layer and call it: script
Be sure that nothing else is selected.
Create a new movie clip (Ctrl F8) and call it: script
A new timeline should open.
Add keyframes at frame 5
and also at frame 6.
name that layer: script
Click on frame 1 of the script layer and name it "stop"
in the property inspector.
Click on frame 5 in the script layer and name it "move".
Click on frame 1 of the script layer and open the actions panel.
Be sure you are in expert mode.
Add a stop()
and then type in:
so your script should look like.
Click in frame 5 of the script layer and add
the following script in the actions window in expert mode:
difference = _root.targetx - _root.panel._x;
rate = difference / baseRate;
_root.panel._x += rate;
Change the mode to Normal
Note: This is to check your code. If you have
made a syntax error in your code, the program will notify you
at this point before letting you back into normal mode from
expert mode.
In frame 6 of the script layer in the actions window and add
the following code:
That's all for the script movie.
Save your work.
Add the script to your movie...
Back in the main stage, open the library panel if it's not
already open then drag an instance of the script movie clip
into the script layer and name the instance: script
Now we need to make the buttons...
Create a new layer above the script layer and call it:
Draw a rectangle on the screen and then turn it into a button
Insert > convert to symbol
be sure to select the "button" behavior.
Name it: button
With the button selected go the the actions panel and add the
following code:
on (release) {
targetx = 0.0;
Note: It is easier if you type this code in in the expert mode.
Back on the main stage, copy and paste two more copies of the
button on your stage on the button layer.
Name the instance of your first button: button 1,
the second: button 2 and the third button
Use the align panel to arrange your buttons
Hint: uncheck the stage button so the buttons will align among
themselves and not to the stage,
Select (click on) button 2 and change the actions to:
targetx = -400.00;
Click on button 3 and then change the actions to:
targetx = -800.0;
So your code now reads:
on (release) {
targetx = -800.0;
You should now be able to test your movie.
Save and
Control > Test Movie
or Ctrl + Enter
See the project:
Add a mask to add a shape.
Add a layer above the panel layer and name it mask.
Click on the little symbol next to the name in the layer
click on "masked.
Click on the little symbol next to the name in the panel layer
Click on "masked"
In the mask layer use the rounded rectangle to draw a black
This is the portion that will be revealed in the final swf.
Publish your Masterpiece
File > Publish Settings (Ctrl + Shift +
Use these settings to publish your html page:
Dimensions: 100%
Scale: No Border
See the masked version: slide_masked.html