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Student Links > GDS 214 > Project #2


Project #2: Flash Movie
Instructor: Rob Higgins



To be introduced to the principles of Flash animation. To communicate ideas visually and verbally. To conceptualize visuals based on content. To review design principles and typography systems as it relates to animation and motion graphics.



Secondary Objective

To learn Flash's animation techniques.




Develop a Flash movie that acts as an intro to a web site. This movie may be an intro to a site you developed, or it can act as a stand-alone portfolio sample. The animation should be no larger than 720x390 pixels. You have the option to include sound (see links to free sounds).

Your design must show an understanding of unity, emphasis, balance and color. When appropriate, utilize rhythm and depth as well.




1. RESEARCH FOR INSPIRATION: Research existing Flash movies. Be sure to review trade publications (Print, How, Communication Arts, Yahoo Internet Life), books, annuals as well as the Internet Resources page. Bookmark as many movies as you can and link them to your projects page. At our research critique, present your best examples in class (on screen). Be prepared to explain why these examples are successful.

2. Research the business you will be designing the movie for. If appropriate, visit the business. Are there any unique selling points for this business? Who is the target audience? Who is the competition? Acquire a reproduction quality logo of the business. Prepare a written brief (see sample brief) for your movie.

3. INCUBATION: Absorb the information you have gathered and sleep on it. Allow your unconscious mind to make connections for you.

4. DEVELOP THE CONCEPT: In your sketchbook begin to conceptualize ideas for this project (see sample thumbnails). Make at least 10 sketches of all possible directions you might take this project in storyboard format. Edit your concepts down to your best three ideas and redraw them as storyboard keyframes inside a browser window (download PDF file of blank storyboards) using a felt tip pen. Test how successful your concepts are by presenting them in class for critique. Be prepared to talk about how your design successfully fulfills the marketing needs of the client.

5. EXECUTION: Based on the critique of the above, create keyframes in Flash or a layered Illustrator file. Print out your keyframes and be prepared to talk about how the design principles of unity, emphasis and balance are utilized in your layout.

6. PORTFOLIO PREPARATION: Based on the critique of the above, create an animated Flash movie. Export the animation as a SWF file within a HTML page and publish it. Create a link to this page from your projects page and present your final movie on screen for critique. Prepare a presentation to "sell" your design to the client. If necessary, make refinements until you are 100% satisfied with the project. Be sure to save all your files for future editing.




See Calendar.




Last updated: 8/26/03• Webmaster: Paul Young


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