Simple DHTML with
flash buttons
Open a new basic html page in Dreamweaver and save it.
I called mine dhtml.html
Click inside the page.
Insert a layer
Insert > Layer
Open the Layers Palette
Window > Others > Layers (F2)
In the property inspector...
Rename your layer to "container"
- left to 20
- top to 10
- width to 95%
- height to 95%
Click inside the container layer.
Insert a table with 3 rows and one column that is 100% wide.
Insert > Table (Ctrl + Alt + T)
Click inside the second row and insert another table with 1
row and 5 columns also 100% wide.
Type in the 5 names of your pages into the 5 cells you just
for this exercise I called mine:
- home
- about
- products
- demo
- contact
Click inside the third row of your table and insert a layer.
Insert > Layer
Select your layer in the layer Palette and then add four more
layers for a total of 5 layers.
Insert > Layer (4 more times)
In the layer Palette or in the property inspector change the
names of your layers to something meaningful. I called mine:
- content1
- content2
- content3
- content4
- content5
Click on each of your layers in the property inspector and
- left: 30
- top: 100
- width: 90%
- height: 55%
- Visibility: hidden
Click on the little eye in the layers Palette on one layer
at a time to view it. Open the little eye icon and then click
in your layer. Add your content. I just added some simple text
to make this exercise easy. Obviously, your would want to add
your creative genius here.
After you add the content to the first layer, close the eye
by clicking on it and then repeat for each of your layers until
you have content in all of your layers.
Now for the fun...
Click on your first layer (content1) and make it visible either
in the property inspector or in the layers Palette (show the
eye). Be sure that all the other layers are hidden (the eye
looks like it is closed).
Highlight your first page name in the second row of your table.
Mine is called "home"
Type in a number sign (#) in the link box in the property inspector.
If the behaviors Palette isn't already open, open it.
Window > Behaviors (shift + F3)
With your text still highlighted, click in the plus sign in
the behaviors Palette and select show hide layers.
Highlight your content1 layer and then click on "show
Use the down arrow or click on the next content layer and press
"hide layer" until all of your content layers are
hidden. Don't do anything to the container layer.
Repeat this process for each of your links. Don't forget to
put the # symbol in the link box in the property inspector before
you try to add your behavior. For your second link, show the
content2 layer and hide the rest. For the third link, show the
content3 layer and so forth until all 5 links have behaviors
attached to them.
Note: The event handler in the behaviors Palette should default
to onClick. If not click on the event in the behaviors panel
and then change it to onClick.
Save and view your work.
You should now have a simple dhtml page.
Now bring in the Flash Buttons...
Save your file as flashdhtml.html
Click in the first row of your table (the one we left empty),
and add a new table with one row and five columns with he width
set at 100%. (This step is identical to the table we inserted
in our second row where we put our text links.)
Select the home text link in the second row and then click
on code view.
Select everything between the quotation marks after the onClick=
and copy it.
Select and copy:
Click in the first column of the first row of your table and
insert a flash button.
Insert > Interactive Images > Flash button
I selected the Star Spinner.
- Button Text: Home
- Font: Comic Sans MS
- Size: 12
- Save As: home.swf
But here is the part that makes it all work...
In the Link: box, type in:
then paste in the code that you just copied from your first
link a minute ago.
the code should be:
Now repeat this 4 more times so all of your remaining cells
in your top table row contain a flash button with the script
from the link pasted in as be just did.
Save your work and check you page. All of your flash buttons
should be changing your layers.
Select your second row where your text links are.
Go into code view and be sure that the entire row is selected
(Everything between the <tr></tr>)
Delete it.
Optionally, you could have moved this row down to the bottom
where it could be your footer.
Save your work and view it.
All that's left to do is to add your content. You can use tables
or css if you wish to format your information so it's just right.
Good luck.