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Student Links > GDS 214 >Exercise 2



Information Page
Instructor: Rob Higgins


Motion Text

As we learned in Exercise 1, text grabs your attention when it's moving. By using Flash MX, you can add motion to the written word in to help create emotion, interest and simply make the experience more fun for the viewer.

In this exercise, we will learn several popular methods for motion text:


  1. Star Wars Effect
  2. Type Writer Effect
  3. Written Text Effect

The Effect:

  1. Open Flash MX - Then either use the default document or create a new one with: File > New (Ctrl + N)

  2. Change the Background Color - Modify the page properties box. Leave everything to the normal default settings except for the background color. Change the background color to black (#000000): Modify > Document (Ctrl + J)

  3. Add Layers  - Add two more layers for a total of three layers. Name the layers: actions, text and guide. Click on "show all" from the pull down to the far right of "Scene 1".

  4. Add the guide layer - We will change the layer titled "guide" into a guide layer. A guide layer is a layer that will not show up on the published flash file. It is only used for reference.

    Select the layer that you renamed "guide", then:

    Modify > Layer

    When the Layer Properties Box opens check "Guide" and then click "Ok".

    Now you will notice a little T- Square (to me it looks like a hammer) next to the tile of your layer now. This means that your layer is now a guide layer and will not be rendered in your final project.

  5. Inset Guide Lines - In the "guide" layer add two perspective lines using the line tool:

    Start from the lower left corner and draw to the near the top center of the stage and then to the lower right corner thus making a pyramid shape with no base.

  6. Create your text - Type in your text into a static text field in the "text" layer on frame one. Be sure to use a system font (don't use an embedded font). I suggest that you use a bold font as the distortion from the perspective shape might make thinner text more difficult to read. We used ArialBlack Bold 114 pts.

  7. Position Your Text - Lock your guide layer by clicking on the little lock next to it. Then move your text box to where the top corners are just touching the perspective lines

  8. Break Apart Twice - With your text still selected, break apart your text twice. The first time you break it apart it breaks the text into individual letters and the second time it breaks the text into vector shapes to we can distort it,

    Modify > Break Apart (Ctrl + B)

  9. Free Transform - With your text still selected, click on the "Free Transform" tool from the tool bar. You will now see a bounding box around your text.

  10. Select The Distort Modifier - In the section of the toll bar close to the bottom, there is a section called options.
    Here is where you select the "Distort Modifier" . Hold down the shift key and select either of the bottom corners of your text bounding box and then drag to the perspective line. Both corners will move together as long as you have the shift key pressed down. After you release the mouse, your words will be in perspective ready for the tweening effect.

  11. Convert to Symbol - With your text still selected, convert your text to a graphic symbol called "text".

    Insert > Convert to Symbol (F8)

    Be sure that the registration point is in the center.

  12. Scale and Position Your Text - Scale your text box so it is as wide as the stage and move it directly below the stage.

  13. Add Key Frames - Extend the text and the guide layers to frame 180 by adding key frames in each of those layers at frame 180.

  14. Set up the final key frame - Click in the key frame at frame 180 of the text layer. This is the final target for the tween we will do in a minute. Change the height and width to 10 pixels each in the property inspector. Then, move the tiny text field up to the top of the pyramid.

  15. Set the Brightness - In the property inspector, select brightness and set it to -50%. This is to make the text fade as it gets nearer to the vanishing point.

  16. Add Motion Tween - Click on one of the frames in between frame 2 and 179 in the text layer and add motion tween: Insert > Create Motion Tween

  17. Set the easing - In the property inspector, set the easing to 75 to make the text slow down as it moves away.

  18. Done - The effect is done. Test your movie to see the effect.

    Control > Test Movie (Ctrl + Enter)

  19. Add the star field - Click in the actions layer in frame one and bring up the actions window.

    Window > Actions

    The select "Expert Mode" from the pull down to the right of the actions window.

  20. Add the actionscript - Type or paste in this script into the actions window:

    for(i=0; i<100; i++){
    _root.attachMovie("dot", starName, i)
    _root[starName]._x = Math.random()*550
    _root[starName]._y= Math.random()*400

  21. Create Symbol - We need to create a symbol for the dots that represent the stars in the star field.

    Insert > Create New Symbol

    Be sure to name it dot, for behavior select Graphic, under Linkage be sure to name the identifier as "dot", check Export for Actionscript and Export in first frame.

  22. Make your graphic - Make a dot in your dot symbol by selecting the oval tool, clicking on no border in the selection tool and white for the color, then size it in the property inspector to 2 pixels by 2 pixels. Use the align tool to be sure that your dot is in the center of your stage.

  23. Completely Done - Save and text your movie.

    Download the Compressed FLA - (zip)
    Download the uncompressed FLA

    See the Star Wars effect

Typewriter Effect

Timeline Masking
  1. Create A New Movie - Create a new movie using the default settings
  2. Change the default layer (Layer 1) name to text.
  3. Type in some text. I used courier new, 14 pt.

  4. Break Apart the Text Twice

    Modify > Break Apart
  5. Lock the current layer and add another layer above and name it mask.

  6. Create a black rectangle using the rectangle tool with no stroke that will completely cover your text in the mask layer.

  7. Select the rectangle and convert it to a graphic symbol. Call it line mask.

    Insert > Convert to Symbol (F8)
  8. Move the rectangle in front of your text so it is no longer covering your text.

  9. Insert a key frames in both layers at frame 60.
  10. Select the key frame in the mask layer.
  11. Move the rectangle to the left to cover your entire text again.

  12. Add a Motion Tween on mask layer.

  13. Change the mask layer to a mask by right clicking on the layer and select mask.

  14. Add another layer called actions and make a key frame at frame 60.
  15. Open the Actions Pannel and add a stop() action.
  16. Done

Download the compressed typing FLA
Download the uncompressed typing FLA

See it on the web

Handwriting Effect

The same effect as above can be used to simulate handwriting. The only difference is to use a parallelogram instead of the rectangle.






Last updated: 8/26/03• Webmaster: Paul Young


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