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CSC 111 - Lessons & Examples

Doing Frames the Professional Way

Frames are a very powerful tool in your Web Master's Toolbox. Just like most things in life, there are advantages and disadvantages of using frames. The JavaScript in this lesson will help you minimize the problems and give your visitors a fuller experience.

Navigation on the left

Many websites that use frames use the navigation on the left design. Usually there are two frames, a narrow navigation window on the left and a large content menu on the right.

Remember, in order to create a frames page with two windows, we need to create three separate html pages. The first one contains the frameset. In this case, I named it Frames_scripts.html. The code looks like this:

<HEAD><TITLE>Frames Example</TITLE>
<FRAME SRC="toolbar.html" NAME="toolbar">
<FRAME SRC="content.html" NAME="content">

The FRAMESET contains two columns. The first (left) is 133 pixels wide and the second (right) is the remaining width of the page. We use the wildcard symbol (*) to represent this. I also added the FRAMEBORDER="NO" FRAMESPACING="0"
BORDER="0" attributes because I wanted no borders or spacing so my backgrounds would seem connected and the frame wouldn't be so apparent.

I made two simple pages containing nothing more than the simple html and body tags. I used a blue background (#99CCFF) for toolbar.htm which match to the background image (lightbluebackground.gif) I used on content.htm.

Normally in html, you would add the links to the toolbar page by using:

<A HREF="page1.html" TARGET="content">Go to link 1</A>

To target frames in JavaScript we do this a bit differently although the idea is the same.

To open a page in JavaScript we could write a function and then use an event handler or the javascript: method to call it:

function openPage() {
<A HREF="#" onClick="openPage()">Open Page with onClick</A>
<A HREF="javascript:openPage()">Open Page with javascript</A>

You can see the FramesExample2.html and the supporting page toolbar2.htm to see it in action.

Remember in the lesson about opening windows, we learned how to open a new window. Here we are doing the same thing except we are targeting a window that is in a frame instead of a new window.

Of course, we want to be able to link multiple pages to our content section of our page so we need to do some slight modifications to make it happen. We change the page to read:

function openPage(url) {
<A HREF="#" onClick="openPage('page1.html')">Open Page 1</A>
<A HREF="#" onClick="openPage('page2.html')">Open Page 2</A>
<A HREF="javascript:openPage('page1.html')">Open Page 1</A>
<A HREF="javascript:openPage('page2.html')">Open Page 2</A>


You can see the FramesExample3.html and the supporting page toolbar3.htm to see it in action. Notice that I called the function 2 different ways in each of the last two examples; with an event handler (onClick) and with a method (javascript:)

Sometimes with a small browser window, it is nice to get the menu frame out of the way temporarily in order to read the content section in the full browser window.We can expand and contract your frames by using JavaScript. In order to do this, all we have to do is to create a link that changes the location of the frameset which is parent to the location of content. This makes our main document in our content window open up to take up the full window. Here is the code that takes care of the expanding content:

Expand Article</A>

or if you prefer to do it with the onClick event handler:

<A HREF="#" onClick=
Expand Article</A>

In the content window page, I added a couple links to get you back to the original frameset. The first example is the same as we learned previously with the history.go() function.

<A HREF="javascript:window.history.go(-1);">
Open Menu<a>

I also added the normal link that opens up the original page again. Notice that I used the target="_top" to open the page in the top level window.

<A HREF="frame_example4.html" target="_top">
Open Menu</A>

Take a look at FramesExample4.html and the revised content page content2.htm.

Changing more than one frame with one click

One of the greatest things about JavaScript and frames is it allows you to change more than one page at a time by clicking only one link. Typically you might like to do this when you want to change a menu bar to reflect a new section of the site.

First thing I did was to create a new frameset with three windows and the five supporting pages: menupage1.htm, contentpage1.htm, contentpage2.htm, title1.html and title2.html. The page with the links (menupage1.html) is written with the following code:

<TITLE>Multiple Pages</TITLE>
function changePages(toppageURL,rightpageURL) {
Change 2 pages</A>
Change 2 back</A>


In order to change 3 pages at the same time, we just add a little more to the script"

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Multiple Pages</TITLE>
function changePages(toppageURL,rightpageURL,rightmostpageURL)

Change 3pages</A>
Change 2 back</A>


Of course, I had to modify the frameset which I renamed multiple_frames2.html, and I added two more supporting pages contentpage3.htm and contentpage4.htm.

Rotating Frames

Frames are a good way to rotate content. The setup here consists of three separate frames, big, little, and rotateFrame. The rotated documents are displayed in the rotateFrame frame. When the frameset is loaded (onLoad), the script calls a function named rotate(). We need to define some variables to control the rotation such as prefix,currentPage, totalPages, and lullTime. These are necessary because of the naming scheme that we use for the pages that will be rotated.

Each of the pages names has the same prefix (rotate) which is then followed by a number (1 through 3 in this case). For this example, I created 3 pages to be rotated called rotate1.html, rotate2.html and rotate3.html. We use the variable currentPage to keep track of which page is being shown in the frameset. The variable total pages defines the total number of pages that will need to be rotated. The variable lulltime defines the delay between page changes (in milliseconds). 5000 milliseconds equals 5 seconds. We use the function rotate(), which is loaded with the onLoad event handler to determine if the currentPage is less than the total number of pages (totalPages). If it is it increments the page by one. If it is not, it sets the counter back to one.

Next we set the location of the rotateFrame to the web page that responds to the value of currentPage. For instance, if the location of the rotateFrame is rotate2.html ("rotate" + 2 + ".html"). We use the setTimeout() method to rerun the rotate() function after waiting for the specified lulltime. It is important to note that the setTimeout() method is the usual way of timing the execution of different events in JavaScript. As an overview on how it is set up:

setTimeout('code to run','time to wait in milliseconds');

Don't forget to put in your quote marks or it won't work right.
Here is the code

function rotate() {
if (currentPage < totalPages) currentPage++;
else currentPage = 1;
parent.rotateFrame.location.href = prefix + currentPage + '.html';
setTimeout('rotate()', lullTime);
var prefix = 'rotate';
var currentPage = 0;
var totalPages = 3;
var lullTime = 5000;
<FRAMESET onLoad=""rotate()" COLS = "30%, 70%"
<FRAME NAME="little" SRC = "little.html">
<FRAME NAME="rotateFrame" SRC = "rotate1.html">
<FRAME NAME="big" SRC="big.html">

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