Applying a template to an existing document
When you apply a template to a document which contains existing
content, Dreamweaver attempts to match the existing content
to a region in the template. If you are applying a revised version
of one of your existing templates, the names are likely to match.
Dreamweaver compares the names of the editable regions in the
document to the names of the editable regions in the new template;
for each region name that matches, Dreamweaver places the existing
contents of that region into the new region with the same name.
If you apply a template to a document that hasn’t had
a template applied to it, there are no editable regions to compare
and a mismatch occurs.
Dreamweaver tracks these mismatches and lists them in the Inconsistent
Region Names dialog box. You can then select which region or
regions to move the current page’s content to, or you
can choose to delete the mismatched content.
If you want to keep the content, select the name of an editable
region from the pop-up menu in the dialog box; otherwise, choose
“nowhere”, which discards the unresolved content.
To apply a template to an existing document:
- Choose File > Open to open the document you want to apply
the template to.
- Perform one of the following actions:
- Click in the Document window, then choose Modify >
Templates > Apply Template to Page. Choose a template
from the list and click Select.
- Select the template in the Templates category of the
Assets panel, and click the Apply button.
- Drag the template from the Templates category of the
Assets panel to the Document window’s Design view.
- If content exists in the document that can’t be automatically
assigned to a template region, the Inconsistent Region Names
dialog box appears. It lists all the editable regions in the
template being applied. Use it to choose a destination for
the content.
For information about moving existing content to editable regions
in the document, see Resolving inconsistent region names below.
Resolving inconsistent region names
You use the Inconsistent Region Names dialog box to assign content
in a document to a region of a template. You can resolve the
inconsistencies by assigning the content to a template region
or by discarding the content.
This dialog box appears when the template you are applying
and the document you are applying the template to do not have
matching editable region names.
This can occur if you are applying a template to a document
that has never had a template applied to it and therefore contains
no editable region names; or it occurs when you apply a template
to a document that is attached to another template and contains
different editable region names, editable tag attributes or
template parameters.
To resolve the inconsistencies, you must direct Dreamweaver
where to move the document content, or direct Dreamweaver to
discard the content.
You can click Cancel to cancel the application of the template
to the document.
Depending on your familiarity with the templates in your site,
you might be able to resolve the inconsistencies by comparing
the region names in the template you’re applying and the
template regions in the document. You can then add new regions
with the same name as those in the new template file by updating
the original template, or alter the region names in the new
template to match the regions in the document.
To assign existing content to an editable region in the
new document:
- In the Inconsistent Region dialog box, select the unresolved
region. In the Move Content to New Region pop-up menu, select
a region in the new template to move the existing content
to, or select Nowhere to remove the content from the document.
- To move all unresolved content to the selected region, click
Use For All.
- Click OK.
To undo the template changes:
After you’ve applied a template to a document, if the
results aren’t what you expected, you can use Edit >
Undo Apply Template to revert to the document’s state
before the template was applied.