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Dreamweaver Templates - Page 3
Instructor: Rob Higgins

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Creating a Dreamweaver template

You can create a template from an existing document (such as an HTML, Macromedia ColdFusion, or Microsoft Active Server Pages document) or you can create a template from a new, blank document.

The New Document dialog box (File >New) provides several options for creating new templates, and creating template-based pages.

Dreamweaver saves templates with the file extension .dwt. Templates are saved in a special Templates folder in the local root folder of the site. If the Templates folder does not already exist in the site, Dreamweaver automatically creates it when you save a new template.

Note: Do not move your templates out of the Templates folder, or put any non-template files in the Templates folder. Also, do not move the Templates folder out of your local root folder. Doing so causes errors in paths in the templates.

Saving a document as a template

You can create a template from a new document or from an existing document.

If you insert a template region in a document that hasn’t been saved as a template, Dreamweaver advises you that the document will automatically be saved as a template.

To create a template:

  1. Open the document you want to save as a template in the Document window, by doing one of the following:
    • To open an existing document, choose File > Open and select the document.
    • To open a new blank document, choose File > New. In the dialog box that opens, choose Basic Pages or Dynamic pages. In the document list select the type of page you want to work with, then click Create.

  2. When the document opens, choose File > Save as Template.

    Note: Unless you selected Don’t Show This Dialog Again, you’ll receive a warning that says the document you’re saving has no editable regions.

  3. Click OK to save the document as a template, or click Cancel to exit this dialog box without creating a template.

  4. In the dialog box that appears, select a site to save the template in from the Site pop-up menu, and enter a unique name for the template in the Save As text box.

  5. Click Save.

    The template file is saved in the site’s Templates folder, with a .dwt filename extension.

To create a new template using the Assets panel:

  1. Open the Assets panel (Window > Assets or F11), if it isn’t already open.
  2. Select the Templates category.
  3. Click the New Template button in the Assets panel.

    A new document is added to the Name list. The document name is highlighted.

  4. Type a name for the document.
  5. Click the Edit button in the Assets panel.

    A template document opens in the Document window.






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Last updated: 6/28/02 • Webmaster: Paul Young



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