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Dreamweaver Templates - Page 12
Instructor: Rob Higgins

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Detaching, Editing, Updating a Template

To make changes to the locked regions of a document based on a template, you must detach the document from the template. When the document is detached, the whole document becomes editable.

To detach a document from a template:

  1. Open the template-based document you want to detach.

  2. Choose Modify > Templates > Detach from Template.

    The document is detached from the template and all template code is removed.


Editing and updating templates

When you save a template, Dreamweaver asks if it should update all documents attached to the template.

You can use the Modify > Templates > Update Pages command.

Dreamweaver updates template-based documents in the same site as the template. Dreamweaver will automatically update documents based on the template, including nested templates that are based on a template you’re updating.




Updating documents that are based on a template

When you make a change to a template, Dreamweaver prompts you to update the documents based on the template. You can also use the update commands to manually update the current document or the entire site. Using the update commands is the same as reapplying the template.

To open and modify an attached template:

  1. With the template-based document in the Document window,
    select Modify > Templates > Open Attached Template.

  2. Modify the content of the template as desired. To modify the template’s page properties, choose Modify > Page Properties. (Documents based on a template inherit the template’s page properties.)

  3. Save your document. Dreamweaver prompts you to update pages based on the template.

To apply template changes to the document:

Select Modify > Templates > Update Current Page.

To update the entire site or all documents that use the attached template:

  1. Select Modify > Templates > Update Pages.

    The Update Pages dialog box appears.

  2. In the Look In pop-up menu, do one of the following:
    • Select Entire Site, and then choose the site name from the adjacent pop-up menu. This updates all pages in the selected site to their corresponding templates.
    • Select Files That Use, and then choose the template name from the adjacent pop-up menu. This updates all pages in the current site that use the selected template.

  3. Make sure Templates is selected in the Update option.

  4. Click Start.

    Dreamweaver updates the files as indicated. If you selected the Show Log option, Dreamweaver provides information about the files it attempts to update, including information on whether they were updated successfully.


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Last updated: 6/28/02 • Webmaster: Paul Young



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