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Dreamweaver Templates - Page 7
Instructor: Rob Higgins

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Optional Regions

About optional regions

An optional region is a region in a template that can be set to show or to hide in a template-based document. Use an optional region when you want to set conditions for displaying content in a document. You can set specific values for a template parameter or define conditional statements in a template. Based on the conditions you define a template users can edit the parameters in documents they create and control whether the optional region displays or not.

You can create template parameters and expressions in the Optional Region dialog box or directly in Code view. When you use the Optional Region template object, Dreamweaver inserts template comments in the code.

A template parameter is defined in the head section:

<!-- TemplateParam name="departmentImage" type="boolean" value="true" -->

At the location where the optional region is inserted, code similar to the code below appears:

<!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="departmentImage" -->
<p><img src="/images/airfare_on.gif" width="85" height="22"> </p>
<!-- TemplateEndIf -->

Template parameters you create for optional regions can be accessed and edited in the template-based document by using the Template Properties dialog box (Modify > Template Properties).

There are two optional region objects: one lets the template author control which regions show and hide without letting a user edit the content, while the other lets template users edit content and set whether the region shows or hides.



Inserting an optional region

Use an optional region to control content which may or may not be shown in a template-based document. An optional region is controlled by a conditional statement. The template tab of an optional region is preceded by the word if. Based on the condition set in the template, a template user can define whether the region is viewable in pages they create.

An editable optional region allows a template user to edit the content in an optional region. For example, if the optional region includes an image or text, the template user can set whether the content is displayed, as well as make edits to the content if desired. Editable regions are controlled by a conditional statement. You create template parameters and expressions in the Optional Region dialog box, or by typing parameters and conditional statements in Code view.

To insert an optional region:

  1. In the Document window, select the element you want to set as an optional region.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the Insert bar, select the Templates category, then select the Optional Region button.
    • Choose Insert > Template Objects > Optional Region.
    • Right-click the selected content, and in the context menu select New Optional Region.

  3. Define options for the optional region.

  4. Click OK.

To insert an editable optional region:

  1. In the Document window, position the pointer where you want the optional region inserted.

    Tip: You cannot wrap a selection to create an editable optional region. Insert the region, then insert the content in the region.

  2. Do one of the following to open the Optional Region dialog box:
    1. In the Insert bar, select the Templates category, then select the Editable Optional Region button.
    2. Choose Insert > Template Objects > Editable Optional Region.
    3. Right-click the selected content, and in the context menu select Editable Optional Region.

      The Optional Region dialog box appears.

  3. Define options for the optional region.

  4. Click OK.



Modifying an Optional Region

You can edit optional region settings after you’ve inserted the region in a template. For example, you can change whether the default for the content is set to show or not, link a parameter to an existing optional region, or modify a template expression.

To reopen the Optional Region dialog box:

  1. Open the Property inspector, if it isn’t already open.

  2. In the Document window, do one of the following:
    • In Design view, click the template tab of the editable region you want to modify.
    • In Design view, click content in the template region, then in the tag selector click the template tag, <mmtemplate:if>.
    • In Code view, click the comment tag of the template region you want to modify.
  3. In the Property inspector, click Edit.
    The Optional Region dialog box opens.

  4. Make the changes you want, then click OK.


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Last updated: 6/28/02 • Webmaster: Paul Young



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