Web Design Beginning Web Page Design Advanced Web Site Design Web Site Management Professor Higgins Web Design Resources

CSC 112 - Lesson 2 Exercises

Modemswitch.com is moving quickly. They have purchased a sub domain for you to use to set up the new site. The host has included several additional features which you may use to manage and maintain this web site including full ecommerce capabilities.

Below, please find the information that the host has sent you regarding passwords and logins for each of the features.

Explore your options and then set up your site on this server. Be sure to make a folder using your first initial and last name to put you content (web site) into.

Dear Madam,
Dear Sir,

SubDomain students.modemswitch.com has been created. The subdomain and the IP address may require up to 8 hours (usually 2-4) to settle in DNS at which time this account will be fully operational. If your ISP uses DNS cache, it could be 24 hours.

SubDomain : students.modemswitch.com
IP Address :

FTP/POP3/SSH user info :

Username : students
Password : sS5K8j

The Control Panel (Full Version) has been installed. You can access it (once the domain name is active or has been transferred to us) at :


and login as :

Username : students
Password : sS5K8j

The Search Engine Tools (Full Version) have been installed. You can access them at (once the domain name is active or has been transferred to us) :


and login as :

Username : students
Password : sS5K8j

The Web Page Builder (Regular Version) has been installed. You can access it at (once the domain name is active or has been transferred to us) :


and login as :

Username : students
Password : sS5K8j

The Database Manager Software (Full Version) has been installed. You can access it at (once the domain name is active or has been transferred to us) :


and login as :

Username : students
Password : sS5K8j

The Digital Filofax (Full Version) has been installed. You can access it at (once the domain name is active or has been transferred to us) :


and login as :

Username : students
Password : sS5K8j

Thank you for your order.

Your loyal servant,
